Category Archives: SOMR Activities

Activities May 2018

The last couple of weeks in May brought a flurry of activities.  First, a long expected meeting of numerous agencies concerned with the health of the Macleay River, then the Clybucca Wetlands Paddle.

Click here for a full report of the meeting. Macleay River Working Group 24th May 2018

What to Do on the Clybucca?

At an event hosted by SOMR and sponsored by North Coast Local Land Services, 55 paddlers went up the Clybucca Creek System on 26th May to explore and be informed of the environmental problems and a range of potential solutions.
A research and community engagement project is currently being undertaken on the Clybucca Floodplain, following a successful funding application for $365,000 under the NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) Flagship Fish Habitat Grants Program. The project, submitted by North Coast Local Land Services (LLS), will deliver a remediation strategy, complete with engineering design options to improve water management across the floodplain.
It will aim to neutralise acidic conditions across a large area of Mayes and Doughboy Swamps, improve freshwater wetland condition, and rehabilitate estuarine habitat. It will also aim to improve the drainage of productive grazing land throughout the Clybucca – Collombatti floodplain.
North Coast Local Land Services – Senior Land Services Officer Max Osborne said a key component of the project is community engagement. The Water Research Laboratory at the University of New South Wales (UNSW-WRL) has been engaged to prepare the strategy and the aim is to ensure all stakeholders’ concerns are addressed.
“Over the next 12 months, North Coast Local Land Services and UNSW-WRL will be working closely with landholders on the Clybucca floodplain, Seven Oaks Drainage Union, Kempsey Shire Council, NSW Government agencies, community groups, the Aboriginal community, industry, and academics to ensure we get the best outcomes for the region,” he said.
What’s the problem?
Over drainage of coastal wetlands has created problems with acid sulfate soils, causing sulfuric acid runoff; and has also increased the frequency and magnitude of “blackwater” events, depleting oxygen in the creeks and river after flooding. This has unfortunately had wider impacts on the estuary, including the loss of fish habitat and impacts to aquatic life, such as fish and oysters in the Lower Macleay. This impacts the environment, the local economy, recreational and commercial fishing, traditional usage and tourism.
What caused this problem?
The Clybucca sub-catchment has undergone hydrological change over time. At one time, it was covered by the sea and had slowly filled in by the sediment eroding from the upper Macleay catchment. In the late 19th century the area was a freshwater wetland. However, the marine mud (high in sulfur) lay below the wetlands sediment.
Tidal restricting barriers, flood gates and extensive drainage networks have lowered surface and groundwater levels and exposed the marine muds (naturally occurring acid sulphate soils) to oxygen—resulting in the acidification of topsoil, groundwater, in-drain water and ultimately, the Macleay estuary. (Osborne 2018)
Over-drainage has allowed flood-intolerant grass species to dominate where previously only wetland-adapted species thrived. During floods, these grasses are inundated for several days. They die and rot—depleting the floodwater of oxygen. This hypoxic (no oxygen) blackwater then drains into the Macleay estuary, which damages the aquatic ecosystem. (Osborne 2018)      Over-drainage has allowed flood-intolerant grass species to dominate where previously only wetland-adapted species thrived. During floods, these grasses are inundated for several days. They die and rot—depleting the floodwater of oxygen. This hypoxic (no oxygen) blackwater then drains into the Macleay estuary, which damages the aquatic ecosystem. (Osborne 2018)
Russell Yerbury, a former beef producer from the Clybucca Floodplain and Max Osborne from North Coast Local Land Services discussed the issues and some of the potential solutions being investigated as part of the remediation strategy project.
SOMR would like to thank Max and Russell for their commitment to improving the health of the Macleay, and for supporting the Clybucca Wetlands Paddle. We would also like to thank the participants in the paddle and encourage community to be informed and participate in this crucial decision impacting the future health of the Macleay River.
Wetlands Australia 2018 Pg. 35 – 36 relate to the Clybucca Wetlands
Blackwater Fact Sheet
Wetland Pasture

Click here for a video created by Elsinor Photography showing the Paddle.

Paddle the Clybucca Wetlands

Save Our Macleay River Inc. invite you to Paddle the Clybucca Wetlands on Saturday 27th May 2018, sponsored by North Coast Local Land Services.

Registration commences at 9:30 am at the Clybucca floodgates – see map below.
There is no registration fee and lunch will be provided.  Bring Your Own Craft and Personal Flotation Device.

This event will showcase the environmental issues associated with the drainage of the Collombatti – Clybucca Wetlands.  Guest speakers will include Max Osborne, from Local Land Services and Russell Yerbury, a former beef producer from Clybucca.

The field day will begin at the Clybucca floodgates, participants will explore the Clybucca Creek waterway to get an appreciation of the scale of the issues.  The community will learn about what North Coast Local Land Services are doing about trying to improve the fish habitat.

North Coast Local Land Services are leading the development of a remediation strategy to address the causes of poor water quality emanating from Clybucca backswamp (which includes Mayes and Doughboy Swamps) into the Clybucca Creek section of the Macleay Estuary.
Funding for this project is provided from the DPI Fisheries “Flagship Fish Habitat Rehabilitation Grant” program. The University of New South Wales – Water Research Laboratory has been contracted to prepare the remediation strategy.

This event will not replace the annual “Paddle on the Macleay” which will be organised by SOMR in September.