Updated 10-10-2023
The EIS documents for Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro Energy Storage are now on Exhibition as Critical State Significant Infrastructure by the Department of Planning and Environment.
An exhibition process allows any individual or organisation to have their say about a proposed development.
The application, environmental impact statement, and accompanying documents are on exhibition from Tuesday 19 September 2023 until Monday 16 October 2023.
This means that there is not much time to scrutinise and respond to the extensive material. Supported by State and Federal subsidies of approx 12 million dollars, it took the proponents several years to prepare and the Department of Planning and Environment six months to exhibit the documents. The public now has less than four weeks to write submissions.
To assist you, SOMR has prepared a Guide to writing Submissions to the OMPHS DA for your consideration.
Click links for the Submission Template, Summary and Detail Issues and SOMR’s current Broad Conclusions.
We have not yet been able to read, absorb and respond to the full DA & EIS with 27 technical Appendices (some 9000 pages in all) please regard the documents as ‘Preliminary’.