Category Archives: Background Information

Background Information

Meetings with Major Stakeholders

After the wonderful success of the Paddle on the Macleay, the SOMR committee turned its attention once more to fact finding about Hillgrove Mines and the contamination of the Macleay River. SOMR, as recently as last week had several positive meetings with the major stakeholders, those being Bracken Resources of Hillgrove Mines, representatives of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and scientists from the University of New England (UNE). Below contains a link to a report about each of the meetings. The Hillgrove Mines as well as EPA representatives were given the opportunity to correct or add to the SOMR accounts and responded with some clarifications which we included.

Dr Susan Wilson from UNE summarized their findings about the Macleay River catchment in the attached letter to SOMR.

November Highlights

UNE letter to SOMR