After a fairly quiet period, SOMR is again attending to several issues affecting the health of the Macleay River:
Report on Nulla Creek and Styx River State Forests Logging inspection 29 – 30 June 2019 by Arthur Bain
How does logging impact our waterways? SOMR’s approach is to go out and take a look, which is what we did in the last weekend in June.
We explored a Nulla Creek resident’s concerns regarding “devastating” logging in Nulla Five Day State Forest. We found no evidence of Forestry Corporation logging activity in the Nulla Creek area.
We then investigated recent, proposed and current logging operations of compartments in the Styx River State Forest, with harvest plans provided by Forestry Corporation of NSW. We were able to get a good picture of the impacts in the Styx. It’s not pretty. With our brief being focussed on impacts to waterways, we have concerns about logging into gullies, from both past and current operations. – We will be bringing this to the attention of relevant agencies.

In early April SOMR committee members were guided to sites selected by Forestry Corporation officers In Tamban State Forest. They were shown recent recent intensive operations and regenration sites. For more details go to
Report on Comara Station intensive farming inspection, 29 – 30 June 2019 by Christa Schwoebel.
During recent months, the SOMR committee had been told of residents’ concerns about sudden stock increases on a cattle station upriver. Overstocking, especially during drought conditions, can lead to land degradation, soil erosion, damage to watercourses and water pollution.
We had also heard about high mortality rates of stock. Carcasses had reportedly been seen in a creek bed.
So, on the weekend we went upriver, we stopped to have a look at herds grazing near the road, which looked in reasonably good condition although there is hardly any feed on the ground. At first glance, we couldn’t see dead animals, but at a closer look we found a carcass in a creek bed, another one top of a ridge with crows feeding on it, several others in dry shallow watercourses. Overall, a very upsetting and unacceptable situation.
We are now gathering further information and have contacted authorities with our photographic evidence. There are a number of agencies involved in the registration and monitoring of livestock, such as Kempsey Shire Council (KSC), Local Land Services (LLS), Environmental Protection Authority (EPA), Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA), Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and not least RSPCA.

SOMR is also looking into the legalities of clearing on steep slopes and irrigation near the Macleay River.
Hillgrove Mine News
While in care and maintenance for 2½ years, the Hillgrove Mine was up for sale.
On 3 July 2019, Peter Hosking who has been liaising with SOMR over the years informed us about the completion of the sale.
On the same day Australian Mining reported:
“Red River Resources will acquire the shuttered Hillgrove gold-antimony project in New South Wales from Bracken Resources for $4 million in shares.
Hillgrove has received more than $180 million in investment since 2004 from previous owner Straits Resources and Bracken, which acquired Hillgrove from Straits for $33.2 million in 2013.
Red River managing director Mel Palancian said (…)
“We love gold and bringing mining assets back to life cheaply,”Palancian said. “It’s rare to find a high-grade gold asset that is close to production with quality resources and infrastructure.”
Further information coming soon.
Paddle on the Macleay 2019
The committee is currently discussing this year’s Paddle. We are planning to hold the event in late September. With water levels in the Upper Macleay being unreliable, we are considering the section from Nelsons Wharf to Kempsey Riverside Park. The suitability of the launch side needs to be investigated before a final decision can be made at the general meeting following the AGM.
SOMR Annual General Meeting
The AGM will be held on Saturday 3 August 10.30at the Kempsey RSL Boardroom. All members are welcome.