Category Archives: Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

Special screening of new coal and gas mining films

Lock the Gate Film Screening Poster

Special screening of new coal and gas mining filmsĀ 

Two ground-breaking new films produced by the Lock The Gate Alliance will be screening at the Oddfellows Hall on Saturday the 30th November from 7pm.

The two 35 minute documentaries tell the powerful stories of Australians whose lives have been changed forever by coal and gas mining, and they show the potential for all regional communities to be affected by the massive expansion of mining activity right across Australia.

The films, Fractured Country: An Unconventional Invasion and Undermining Australia: Coal vs Communities, were directed by filmmakers Brendan Shoebridge and David Lowe from the Northern Rivers, NSW. Both films provide shocking examples of the impacts that both coal and gas mining are having on water resources and the risk they pose to drinking water catchments, farm water supplies and the Great Artesian Basin.

Paddle on the Macleay


In an effort to raise awareness of the Macleay River, we are hosting Paddle on the Macleay which will involve paddling in canoes or kayaks from Pee Dee Station to Bellbrook Bridge (approximately 3 hour paddle).

The paddle will commence at 9am on Sunday 29th September 2013. The paddle is open to members of the public and we encourage all local MPs, mayors and dignitaries to participate.

Event briefing & Registration forms will be available for download on this page soon.

The paddle will be a positive event and our hope is that by experiencing the beauty of the Macleay River first hand, members of the community will be reminded of what an amazing asset we have. The added bonus is that participants will get to experience sections of the river that they might not normally be able to access due to private land ownership.

For further information please contact Bernadette O’Sullivan on 0428 550 339 or