Category Archives: Background Information

Background Information

River Health Update

What’s Happening to the Macleay River?

The Macleay ‘EcoHealth’ Project Report was released earlier this year, the Macleay Catchment scored an overall C minus. The project (initiated by the Catchment Management Authority) aimed to provide base-line data to enable Local Councils and State Government agencies to effectively target environmental funding to fix the problems. For the full report click on the link

The Macleay catchment is under a number of environmental pressures.

In the upper catchment there are potential and current threats including: Past mining practices that have resulted in heavy metal (arsenic and antimony) contamination; stock grazing and fertiliser runoff from the agricultural sector impact on nitrate levels; there is concern about toxins leaching into the catchment from the Armidale land fill; and logging in the Styx River State Forest and other areas, impacting with sediment runoff.

The Gorge country’ then saves the day, re-oxygenating water and diluting Nitrates. But unfortunately, does not filter toxins and heavy metals coming down the river from past mining practices.

In the mid-catchment area, stock having access to the river causes erosion and fertiliser run-off adds to the nitrate levels. Also the impact of gravel extraction on the mobility of arsenic and antimony needs investigation. Dumping of rubbish and poor mine rehabilitation adds pressure, and recently there were reports of dead cattle being dumped in the river.

In the Estuary there are acid sulphate problems, caused by land drainage in low areas of acid sulphate soils. This causes severe degradation of aquatic life and dissolves oyster and other crustacean shells. There are hot spots of arsenic and antimony on the flood plains, deposited in floods.

There is good news…

The current operators at Hillgrove Mine, on the edge of the escarpment, have invested significantly in infrastructure to stabilise mineral waste and to manage water; there is currently an audit of derelict mines on the Macleay and some remediation work is planned; with SOMR’s assistance Southern Cross University are exploring the mobility of heavy metals in a long-term study.

The rehabilitation of the Yarrahapinni Wetlands demonstrates that a resurgence of fish populations and marine diversity is feasible and possible; North Coast Local Land Services’ proposed remediation of the Clybucca Wetlands, a major contributor of acid sulphate and low dissolved oxygen to the Estuary will lead to a significant boost to the fishing, oyster and tourist industries and create a habitat for migrating birds, as well as reduce ‘black water’ entering the restored Yarrahapinni Wetlands.

While there are some improvements, we (SOMR) are still concerned about the contamination sources and would like to know what actions Local and State Government bodies will take to protect and improve the quality of water in our catchment. In particular we are looking to Kempsey Shire Council and Armidale Regional Council and ask them to assert their authority when granting and monitoring DAs with potential impacts on the health of the Macleay River. 

And, importantly, we are considering what actions can we, as a community and Save Our Macleay River Inc, take to be part of the solution?

If you want to take part in finding solutions join SOMR

Update May 2017

Mineral Exploration in the Halls Peak Area

In April, SOMR chairman Arthur Bain, accompanied by environment protectors from Armidale, paid a visit to the derelict Gibsons Open Cut Mine, in the gorge country of the Upper Macleay. SOMR wanted to confirm claims of exploration drilling in November and December 2016. A large drilling venture to the depth of 1,000m has been announced to start in mid-2017.

The holder of the Exploration Licence 4474 for the Halls Peak area had received a government grant of $90,500 for exploration drilling in 2014. Drilling on a small scale was carried out then. We have no information how much of the grant money was spent. The Exploration Licence was then held by Precious Metal Resources, later passed on to Sovereign Gold and more recently to Force Commodities, a company based in WA.

The abandoned Gibsons Open Cut Mine is located in rather isolated country. To the utter surprise of both parties, Arthur happened to meet representatives of the latest iteration of the mining exploration company. 
Peter Smith – the newest non-executive director of Force Commodities was also there to find evidence of the recent exploration drilling. He briefly discussed plans for the development of Gibsons Open Cut, the extraction of Zinc, Copper, Silver and Lead resources.

The site is currently “managed” by the Derelict Mines Office, state government funds are used to to minimise contamination of the Chandler River, the science does not currently exist for rehabilitation or remediation. (see also SOMR website Archive January 2014)

This time, no evidence of recent exploration drilling was found. It appears that the “new” company is simply repeating the previous claims of massive resource potential and ignoring the logistical difficulties of safely extracting and transporting minerals from this isolated and environmentally fragile area.

Ecohealth report card on the Macleay’s waterways

The Ecohealth card report for the Macleay River was tabled at the Kempsey Council meeting on 21 February 2017. On 4 May Council presented the results at a launch at the Riverside Park. A small group of invited guests was in attendance. NBN News reported.

Antimony Contamination Cleaned at Urunga Wetlands

In early 2013 SOMR was established as a result of concerns about the transportation of contaminated soil from Urunga to Hillgrove at the top of the Macleay River catchment. Since then, the antimony contamination has been dealt with in situ and the Urunga Wetlands have been transformed into a recreation area. Local media recently reported about the transformation from wasteland into an eco-friendly tourist attraction. When googling “Urunga Wetlands”, several links can be found.

AGM followed by a General Meeting

27 May 2017 at 10.30 am, Kempsey RSL Club

Mine rehabilitation – What do they owe the land?

On 5th February SOMR representatives visited a property in the Rockdale region near Armidale. Unsatisfactory efforts have been made to rehabilitate an unused mining lease located on a private property.

The issue was brought to SOMR’s attention because of its potential impact on the Macleay Catchment via the Wollomombi River. There are concerns about land stability, soil contaminants entering the waterways and plastic rubbish brought onto the site in poor quality mulch intended to replace topsoil.

Read more  What Do They Owe the Land