Author Archives: admin

Paddle the Clybucca Wetlands

Save Our Macleay River Inc. invite you to Paddle the Clybucca Wetlands on Saturday 27th May 2018, sponsored by North Coast Local Land Services.

Registration commences at 9:30 am at the Clybucca floodgates – see map below.
There is no registration fee and lunch will be provided.  Bring Your Own Craft and Personal Flotation Device.

This event will showcase the environmental issues associated with the drainage of the Collombatti – Clybucca Wetlands.  Guest speakers will include Max Osborne, from Local Land Services and Russell Yerbury, a former beef producer from Clybucca.

The field day will begin at the Clybucca floodgates, participants will explore the Clybucca Creek waterway to get an appreciation of the scale of the issues.  The community will learn about what North Coast Local Land Services are doing about trying to improve the fish habitat.

North Coast Local Land Services are leading the development of a remediation strategy to address the causes of poor water quality emanating from Clybucca backswamp (which includes Mayes and Doughboy Swamps) into the Clybucca Creek section of the Macleay Estuary.
Funding for this project is provided from the DPI Fisheries “Flagship Fish Habitat Rehabilitation Grant” program. The University of New South Wales – Water Research Laboratory has been contracted to prepare the remediation strategy.

This event will not replace the annual “Paddle on the Macleay” which will be organised by SOMR in September.

Boogie for the Macleay

JAN PRESTON, the knockout boogie pianist with a rich resonant voice, is returning to Kempsey for one concert only at the ODDFELLOWS HALL on SUNDAY MAY 6th @ 2pm.

Jan has captured audiences around the world with her originality, her energy, and her sparkling charm and gentle wit.

From a background in classical music with a long-term interest in composition and song writing, Jan Preston has created her own style, not only through her piano playing but also her singing and songwriting, which now sees her shine as a truly Antipodean original.

Winner of 5 music awards, Jan has sold out concerts throughout Australia, NZ, Europe and the UK, composes music for film and TV, and performs side by side with the greatest contemporary boogie piano players in the world today.

After breaking both her wrists in 2016, Jan is back touring with the launch of her new CD, appropriately called ‘Play It Again Jan’.

“An inspirational and gifted pianist, performer and entertainer,…..her playing is as flawless as it is loose and joyful,” Rhythms Magazine.

This is a benefit concert for Save Our Macleay River (SOMR). It will be in the popular Hot Club style with tables for your BYO refreshments.

Bring your friends and join us at the concert

River Health Update

What’s Happening to the Macleay River?

The Macleay ‘EcoHealth’ Project Report was released earlier this year, the Macleay Catchment scored an overall C minus. The project (initiated by the Catchment Management Authority) aimed to provide base-line data to enable Local Councils and State Government agencies to effectively target environmental funding to fix the problems. For the full report click on the link

The Macleay catchment is under a number of environmental pressures.

In the upper catchment there are potential and current threats including: Past mining practices that have resulted in heavy metal (arsenic and antimony) contamination; stock grazing and fertiliser runoff from the agricultural sector impact on nitrate levels; there is concern about toxins leaching into the catchment from the Armidale land fill; and logging in the Styx River State Forest and other areas, impacting with sediment runoff.

The Gorge country’ then saves the day, re-oxygenating water and diluting Nitrates. But unfortunately, does not filter toxins and heavy metals coming down the river from past mining practices.

In the mid-catchment area, stock having access to the river causes erosion and fertiliser run-off adds to the nitrate levels. Also the impact of gravel extraction on the mobility of arsenic and antimony needs investigation. Dumping of rubbish and poor mine rehabilitation adds pressure, and recently there were reports of dead cattle being dumped in the river.

In the Estuary there are acid sulphate problems, caused by land drainage in low areas of acid sulphate soils. This causes severe degradation of aquatic life and dissolves oyster and other crustacean shells. There are hot spots of arsenic and antimony on the flood plains, deposited in floods.

There is good news…

The current operators at Hillgrove Mine, on the edge of the escarpment, have invested significantly in infrastructure to stabilise mineral waste and to manage water; there is currently an audit of derelict mines on the Macleay and some remediation work is planned; with SOMR’s assistance Southern Cross University are exploring the mobility of heavy metals in a long-term study.

The rehabilitation of the Yarrahapinni Wetlands demonstrates that a resurgence of fish populations and marine diversity is feasible and possible; North Coast Local Land Services’ proposed remediation of the Clybucca Wetlands, a major contributor of acid sulphate and low dissolved oxygen to the Estuary will lead to a significant boost to the fishing, oyster and tourist industries and create a habitat for migrating birds, as well as reduce ‘black water’ entering the restored Yarrahapinni Wetlands.

While there are some improvements, we (SOMR) are still concerned about the contamination sources and would like to know what actions Local and State Government bodies will take to protect and improve the quality of water in our catchment. In particular we are looking to Kempsey Shire Council and Armidale Regional Council and ask them to assert their authority when granting and monitoring DAs with potential impacts on the health of the Macleay River. 

And, importantly, we are considering what actions can we, as a community and Save Our Macleay River Inc, take to be part of the solution?

If you want to take part in finding solutions join SOMR