Do you value clean water, air and soil for future generations?
Save Our Macleay River (SOMR) is a community-based organisation seeking to raise awareness of the current and potential future pollution in the Macleay River Catchment. The Objects of SOMR are to work towards ensuring clean water and healthy environment throughout the Macleay River catchment.
Like many similar rural communities around NSW, our agricultural and environmental resources are under threat from external industrial and political interests.
A significant proportion of our community rely upon the Macleay River as a water supply. In addition, businesses within tourism, primary industries and others are dependent upon the quality of the waterways in our catchment. Indeed, it is the lifeblood of our community.
The environmental impact of any developments in the catchment must be given priority, full consideration of environmental risks are paramount when development applications are made, particularly so when waterways such as the Macleay River are at risk.
In raising awareness about the current and potential pollution of the catchment, SOMR aims to empower the community to become a strong advocate for the water quality of the Macleay River.
Download theĀ SOMRflyer_2017-08
Download the SOMR Constitution
If you drink the water, fish, canoe, swim or water your stock or garden, from our river, we invite you to be informed and active!